With Bank account verification service confirm that an account is real and correct

With this Bank Account Verification service, eliminate incorrect transfers and prevent fraud in your company's records, as you can confirm that the data for the accounts you need to interact with is correct.

Illustration of three mobiles and a magnifying glass checking them
Illustration of a bank with a verification tic

By verifying bank accounts, you enhance your company's processes

By eliminating incorrect transfers caused by having the wrong destination accounts, you also eliminate the additional costs and reprocessing that these errors entail.

Having a registration or onboarding process that is only completed if the entered information is correct and real reduces fraud and monetary losses.

Access relevant information:

  • Bank

    The account number with which you need to interact

  • Person

    The account holder's name

  • Coin

    The operational validity and currency of the account

Illustration of a bench with a magnifying glass, verifying
Illustration of two banks connecting

Validate bank accounts, enhance money dispersal

By confirming that the data for the destination accounts in a payment is correct, you ensure that the transaction will be successful and will not result in losses of time and money.

Verify bank accounts, enhance onboarding processes

Validate the authenticity of user or company profiles registering on your platform to acquire your service. During registration, by entering their bank account number and personal details, you can confirm that it is a real profile.

Illustration of a woman doing accounting tasks

For what type of companies is Bank Account Validation service ideal?

This service is perfect for companies that periodically make payments to different bank accounts or for those that require their customers (companies or individuals) to register and enter banking information when wanting to acquire or avail of the service.

  • Banks

  • Service platforms (transport, home...)

Validate bank accounts with a simple and fast integration

This service can be integrated into your system in less than 4 days, with permanent technical support.


Day 1

  • Kick off
  • Prometeo account creation

QA & Implementation

Day 2

  • API testing in Sandbox
  • Integration

Day 3

  • Real data testing

Start up

Day 4

  • Production output

We are ready to make your company's processes easier and more secure, shall we begin?

Schedule a call with our Sales team

Illustration of three people holding a laptop
2024 Prometeo Open Banking
Contact: +598 9672 6320