Manage your company finances in an agile and secure way by consolidating, in a single place and with the same format, the information of all your bank accounts, no matter which bank they belong to.
Our Cash Management service allows you to obtain a complete view of your financial resources automatically and in real-time.
Consolidate banking information from different accounts in one place.
Eliminate manual processes.
Access to updated information in real-time and in a standardized format.
Allocate manual work time to strategic developments.
This technological solution allows companies to easily and efficiently keep track of their financial movements, consolidating all the company's bank accounts in a single place, allowing them to visualize the movements in real-time and presented in a single format.
With Prometeo, make your financial control an agile and secure process.
Easy integration: In less than 4 days you will have this service integrated.
Save time: Eliminate manual entries to the different homebanking accounts.
Agile and reliable: Consolidate all banking information in the same format, in real-time.
Secure: Our support team is available 24/7 to immediately address any critical incident.
Regional reach: Thanks to our reach in more than 10 countries in the region, your business can easily scale to other markets.
"Thanks to Prometeo we have achieved an optimization of time and resources, but there has also been a significant decrease in manual errors, which has led to improvements in different aspects that mitigate risks and delays."